There’s something special about an Aussie Summer, the sunshine, warmth and seasonal Serotonin make it nearly impossible to stay motionless and couchbound. The urge to get out there and get active takes over…. However, with all the movement comes moisture and friction, which inevitably leads to chafing.
Chafing is where one area of skin rubs against another, causing friction. Moisture won’t cause your skin to chafe, but it does make it worse. The prolonged rubbing can make skin sting or burn and a red rash occurs. In severe cases, the skin can swell, bleed or crust.
Chafing can affect everyone, from athletes, teens walking to and from school, babies with nappy rash and even nursing mothers with chaffed nipples.
We have put together our top tips to help you avoid chafing in Summer.
Prevention is better than redemption. Before you leave, apply an anti-chafing balm to any areas that may cause you to chafe – thighs, underarms, under breasts, nipples, groin and your butt. By doing this, you are helping to prevent the chafing from occurring in the first place. The Clean Swim Anti-Chafe Stick is an easy-to-use balm that glides onto skin, fighting against friction and protecting your skin from moisture through a blend of Vegan Waxes, Vitamin E, Oat Extract and rich moisturisers.
Choose Clothing Wisely. Fabrics such as cotton hold sweat and moisture, keeping your skin damp. Choose fabrics like nylon or polyester that will help to keep sweat away from the skin and minimise friction.
Remove Wet Clothing – This is very common for kids when they are finished in the pool. It’s such a no-brainer but one that is easily forgotten!
- Keep Skin Clean & Moisturised. When we sweat, there can be a build-up of irritants or bacteria on our skin this makes our skin more sensitive and, therefore, it’s easier for chafing to occur. The Clean Swim Charcoal Body Wash will cleanse your skin of dirt and bacteria while restoring it's natural pH balance. Our Clean Swim Ceramide Lotion is lightweight and fragrance free, providing superior moisture and hydration while strengthening the skin's barrier function.